It is common today to talk about "the iron and steel industry" as if it were a single entity, but historically they were separate products. The steel industry is often considered an indicator of economic progress, because of the critical role played by steel in infrastructural and overall economic development.
When iron is smelted from its ore, it contains more carbon than is desirable. To become steel, it must be reprocessed to reduce the carbon to the correct amount, at which point other elements can be added.
- Iron oreIron ores are rocks from which metallic iron can be economically extracted. These rocks are usually found in the form of hematite (Fe2O3) or magnetite (Fe3O4). About 98% of world iron ore production is used to make iron in the form of steel.

Iron(Fe) is one of the most abundant rock-forming elements, constituting about 5% of the Earth's crust. It is the fourth most abundant element after oxygen, silicon and aluminium and, after aluminium, the most abundant and widely distributed metal.
Origin: Africa, Australia, Europe and South America.
- Direct Reduced Iron (DRI)
DRI, is a manufactured metallic material produced by the reduction (removal of oxygen) of iron oxide at temperatures below the melting point of iron (1536° C or 2797° F). The iron oxide in either lump, conceptrate, or pellet form is reduced at 800-1050 ° C (1472-1922 ° F) by interaction with reductants (H2+CO) derived from natural gas or coal.

Chemical composition
Fe Total: 90-94%
Fe Metallic: 83-90%
Metallization: 92-96%
C: 1.0-2.5%
P2O5*: 0.005-0.9%
S*: 0.001-0.03%
Gangue*: 2.8-6%
Origin: Australia, South America
- Chemical Grade Dolomite
Successfully utilized in iron ore pelletization, the sintering process of iron production, electric furnace steel making, and dolomitic lime manufacturing.

This grade can be sized to various specifications. Materials are being supplied in such diverse sizes as: 6"x 0, 4"x 0, 2 3/4" x 1 1/4",2" x 3/4", ASTM and DOT construction aggregates, 3/4" x1/4", 3/4" x 0, 3/8"x 0, 1/4"x 0, washed manufacturing concrete fines.
Origin: Canada
- Chemical Grade High Calcium Limestone
Exceptionally pure and consistent deposit of high calcium limestone. The chemical content is ideal for the iron ore industry, desulphurisation processes, lime production invertical shaft and rotary kilns, precipitated calcium carbonate for the pulpand paper industry and other chemical/industrial uses.

This grade can be sized to various specifications. Materials are being supplied in such diverse sizes as: 6"x 0, 4"x 0, 2 3/4" x 1 1/4",2" x 3/4", ASTM and DOT construction aggregates, 3/4" x1/4", 3/4" x 0, 3/8"x 0, 1/4"x 0, washed manufacturing concrete fines.
Origin: Canada
- Construction Aggregates
We provide aggregates that are strong, dense, fine grained and relatively non-porous limestones with very low absorption. As a result they dry and heat readily and remain intact and resistant to deterioration during handling and processing.

This grade can be sized to various specifications. Materials are being supplied in such diverse sizes as: 6"x 0, 4"x 0, 2 3/4" x 1 1/4",2" x 3/4", ASTM and DOT construction aggregates, 3/4" x1/4", 3/4" x 0, 3/8"x 0, 1/4"x 0, washed manufacturing concrete fines.
Origin: Canada
- Anthracite
In the world of steel making, anthracite (hard coal) will play an increasingly crucial role; particularly when it comes to PCI’s (pulverized coal injection products) and ultra low volatile (ULV-PCI) products that are being fed directly into the Chinese and Indian blast furnaces. This will allow for a reduction in the use of coke as anthracite can be used as a superior and cleaner substitute.

For those of you unaware of the value of ‘blue coal’ or ‘hard coal’, you may be surprised to know that in the industry it is sometimes referred to as the blackgold of the coal world. Anthracite is a very high quality, premium coal with the highest rank, carbon and energy content of all coals. Equally important, anthracite accounts for only about 1% of the world coal reserves. Other unique properties make anthracite crucially important for use in a wide range of thermal, water purification and composite materials products. This includes the making of steel, as well as for fuels used to manufacture cement and of course, boosting the generation of electricity.